Allah SWT thanks God for gives me lucky days, Suamiku tercinta, my Kus Hendarto, thanks for your support to me, My smart and sweety doughter, Audry, thanks to your kindness, Ibuku and Mamaku thanks to your pray for me, My sister, Widya and family, My perfect teacher Mrs Astied Priyawan, Mrs Tita and Family, Ibu Parwi-Telkom, Ibu Mul-Telkom, Ibu Indie-Telkom, Ms Shasya, Mrs Endah, Mrs Emil, Mrs Ira, Mrs Jumanto, Almh. Ms Rini-Liek Motor, Mrs Wahyu and all costumers yang tak bisa kami sebutkan satu per satu. Thanks untuk seluruh kepercayaan yang anda berikan pada kami, team ENY'S Gallery dalam menghadirkan secarik busana yang indah.
Visit and trust me to make your wedding be special moment in your life. Not only wedding dress, we also serve to make another clothes likes moslem dress, malaysian dress, etc.